Friday, January 15, 2010

Intestinal Thrush How Much Acidophilus Do I Need To Take To Get Rid Of An Intestinal Yeast Overgrowth?

How much acidophilus do I need to take to get rid of an intestinal yeast overgrowth? - intestinal thrush

I took antibiotics for a throat infection occurs, I now have gas, bloating, sugar demand, throttle, athletes foot and skin irritation.


~~~~... said...

I do not know, but I it's something you should ask your doctor to think. Do not expect people here to say something when it comes to their health. It's nice to see what people say, but do not expect their advice to law. Someone might say they have lived this and tell you what they have done, but always remember that you do not. Only your doctor can decide what is best for you. Good luck.

single occupant said...

I went there, and is a pain. should really take a lot of yogurt culture.

I found that the best form of acidophilus
not necessarily the basis of lactose. There are several methods based on plant forms. Once I was something called carrodophilus based on the culture of carrots. My wife uses a thing called Pro tonic, which is also based on vegetables. They work more efficiently than milk-based cultures and the healing process accelerated.

Good luck with that.

Looking for some help said...

You need a diet poor in carbohydrates ... completely eliminate all simple sugars from your diet, bread, food that is made from corn and anything that might further growth.I yeast also a good pro-biotic, did not recommend a good Vitamin Shoppe yogurt, promote the level of good bacteria, you need only trust your instincts ..... See also back a man named Doug Kaufmann (cause unknown), television has some good books on the subject ..... Money expensive, but worth it if it helps

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