Friday, January 29, 2010

Fotos De Long Dong Silver Desnudo Parakeet Question: What Is Molting? How Often Does It Occur? And What Do I Do About It?

Parakeet question: What is molting? How often does it occur? and What do I do about it? - fotos de long dong silver desnudo

Hello! I have 2 parakeets, coconut and pineapple. Pineapple is the younger, but bigger. Coconut is the oldest, but also smaller, which significantly reduced the wound on his forehead. I am a Petco in pineapple-coconut and World Bird. They are different ages, but we were super. Anyway, lately I've very concerned that not relent, two new springs of coconut in the lower part of the back near the tail, as before, back, and withdrew, leaving a strange way. They seem very strange and misplaced. Moreover, his head is a very rare and very soft, but in the wrong direction. Do not look like this: ...
His head is flat and not externally. In addition, blue is gone to his head, but the white spots. I am very concerned for their feathers on the bottom of a backpack that goes wrong. Once again, as they have been looking for 2 long springs removed, resembling, in contrast to the other, and akwardly twisted. Are I am very worried if I: (These are not small feathers, betteR break ... are two large and important. : (
I do not know if what your mind is quiet, so that he, how often, and it has happened? make it happen again? And there's nothing I would do if you are missing?
Thank you very much.


Dogmabit... said...

Most of the moves once a year, sometimes more often, and others, but above all depends on the health of the birds. The process of molting, which is the normal loss and replacement of feathers, is influenced by a number of factors. The health of the springs depends on good nutrition and appropriate environment.

If you are absolutely sure about this offer, do not worry. If not, you may have an avian veterinarian or person to find the birds accepted as a patient. Do a Google search after one near you.

~Em&Em~ said...

Do not worry, I was when my bird was too shocked to be in motion. As a rule, occurs in hot weather, well at least that what happened to my bird and it took over a week until it was modernized and twice spent 'I j birds that are for a year and a half has nothing to do only stupid, do not worry, it's not bad. Let it grow back easily, do not worry, it will be.

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